Just a short observation about the ALCS...this just really bothered me.
The game one temperature was around 7C with 17 MPH winds. Game two was around the same, with a little more rain.
I'll give it to the players, it was chilly. But was there REALLY a need for the ski masks and ear warmers that some of the players were wearing?
I mean, grow a pair, and toughen up. I'm talking to you Chone Figgins, Erick Aybar Robinson Cano and Mark Texiera. The way the were dressed you would have thought the temp was about -20C.
Dudes, have some pride! Man up!
I didn't see Derek Jeter wearing something ridiculous on his head. Vladdy Guererro didn't need anything. CC Sabathia and John Lackey seemed to be fine.
Gee, I can't understand why baseball players get a bad rap for being soft. I really can't (dripping with sarcasm).
Lets hope the Dodgers and Phillies don't feel the need to rock the ridiculous gear we saw in New York. But baseball being baseball, I'm sure we'll see someone wimping out.
The only thing worse than ball players in those goofy getups, is the soccer players that wear gloves!! ARGH!
I'm sure all the players that were part of the Ice Bowl in Green Bay (-25C, windchill -44C), the Freezer Bowl in Cincinatti (-23C, windchill -51C) and the Heritage Classic in Edmonton (-18C, windchill -30C) are mocking those MLB players today.
Now those temps will cause some significant shrinkage!
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